Mark Sterling
Mark Sterling
111 Peter Street, 6th floor
Toronto, ON M5V 2H1
(212) 488-1595

Mark Sterling
111 Peter Street, 6th floor
Toronto, ON M5V 2H1
(212) 488-1595
About Mark Sterling
“We’re not just here to take part – we’re here to take over” – Conor McGregor
I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada! From there I moved to Los Angeles to attend the University of Southern California, and now I am excited to find myself in New York City. Throughout my life I have considered travelling and meeting new people to be the best forms of education. I am grateful and excited to be working at Andiamo, where I can help amazing people do the same.
Academic Background:
Brock University, B.S. Sports Management
Sports, software and a nice glass of scotch.
What I love about working/living in Toronto:
The bright city lights and abundance of Tim Hortons coffee shops.
When I was 5 I wanted to be…
Captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs
If I could have a superpower it would be…
Fly, so “Fly like an Eagle” by Seal would have much more meaning.
Some of my favorite things:
Obstacle Course Racing, Mixed Martial Arts, Drake, the 6ix.