Ben Woll
Partner, Recruiting Manager
Ben Woll
Partner, Recruiting Manager
17 State Street, 8th floor
New York, NY 10004
(212) 488-1595

Ben Woll
Partner, Recruiting Manager
17 State Street, 8th floor
New York, NY 10004
(212) 488-1595
About Ben Woll
It’s easy to feel good about our work here.
Ben spent a couple of years working as a public school teacher in Spain before joining Andiamo in 2013.
Every day he is reminded of how fortunate he is to have the opportunity to spend time collaborating with people who are easy to learn from and are passionate about how they spend their time. He loves that his work is focused on knocking on people’s doors and presenting them with that very same opportunity.
Academic Background:
University of Michigan, B.A. Political Science.
Stories of atypical paths to success.
What I love about working/living in New York City:
The downside is limited and known, but the reverse is true of the potential benefits.
If I could have a superpower it would be…
to selectively remember with total recall.
If I could have dinner with anyone, past or present, it would be…
ten of my ancestors, going back ten generations.
Some of my favorite things:
To do: eat new foods, have short conversations with strangers, travel without plans, and learn that I was wrong.
To read: everything by Borges.