Our team

Meet the talent who will help you…

…make a greater impact, explore your passions, start something new. Love what you do.

Andiamo is comprised of exceptionally talented and experienced Research Analysts, Data Analysts, Managers, and Recruiters. Get to know us a little bit better by checking out our profiles below.

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Andiamo - Shilpa Reddy

Shilpa Reddy

Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist

New York, NY


Hello! My name is Shilpa, I grew up in India but now my home is Dallas. I am enthusiastic about growing and gaining new skills on my HR journey. Happy to be joining this team!

Bangalore University, Multimedia


Andiamo - Shri Patel

Shri Patel

Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist

New York, NY


My name is Shri, and I am a Full lifecycle experienced IT recruiter currently working with Andiamo Partners. I enjoy using my skills to Connect talent across the US and Canada and help my clients finding a perfect match for their needs. I am a Master’s in Business Administration specializing in Human Resources. I have a background In Computer Science as well.


DAVV University, Human Resources

Andiamo - Angela Marino

Angela Marino

Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist

New York, NY


“Remember, the saddest thing in life is wasted talent. You could have all the talent in the world but if you don’t do the right thing, then nothing happens” -A Bronx Tale


Lewis University, Business Administration


Andiamo - Dennis Laughlin

Dennis Laughlin

Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist

New York, NY


I am excited to start a new journey in an industry that I love!


Florida State University, University of North Florida,
Political Science Education


Andiamo - Jordan Krause

Jordan Krause

Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist

New York, NY


The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there… and still on your feet” – Stephen King


San Angelo State University , Communications


Andiamo - Justin Kornmann

Justin Kornmann

Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist

New York, NY


“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” – Epictetus


Indiana University ,Telecommunications


Andiamo - Matthew King

Matthew King

Finance Associate

New York, NY


“Just take it easy, man.” – The Dude (The Big Lebowski, 1998)


Bowling Green State University, Finance


Andiamo - Cameron Hollowell

Cameron Hollowell

Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist

New York, NY


“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy.” – Eckhart Tolle


University of Houston, Human Resources


Andiamo - LaToya Sincere

LaToya Sincere

Technology Talent Acquisition Specialist

New York, NY


“Your life is only as good as you make it, so dream big and make it happen!” – Anonymous


Ashford University, B.A. Organizational Management